
Friday, August 27, 2010

The Public Library: An Evolving 'Go To' Place

"The Public Library: An Evolving 'Go To' Place." Town News / Rebecca Karpoff.
New Jersey: North Jersey Town News Online, August 26th 2010.
"Supported by the taxpayers, libraries are actually monuments to the concept of equal opportunity for all who enter their doors...Both libraries and bookstores are concerned about customer service and satisfaction and are proud of their friendly staff. Excellent customer service in bookstores is expected to create revenue. On the other hand, excellent customer service in public libraries is expected to enrich lives...Libraries provide many things that bookstores cannot, from the personalized research help from trained professionals to programs for the public and a place for minds and souls to grow. Even with the Internet and bookstores, libraries are still thriving and are being used more than ever before. In the past few years, the Paramus Public Library has almost doubled its number of users. Libraries survived the fires at Alexandria, flourished with the help of Carnegie, and now revel in the new age of technology. Librarianship, the fuel for free public libraries, thrives on information, preservation, and circulation of knowledge to all. And it always will."