
Monday, November 15, 2010

Library as Place: Rethinking Roles, Rethinking Space

Library as Place: Rethinking Roles, Rethinking Space / Council on Library & Information Resources.
Washington: Council on Library & Information Resources, 2005.

"If the library is to remain a dynamic life force, however, it must support the academic community in several new ways. Its space must flexibly accommodate evolving information technologies and their usage as well as become a “laboratory” for new ways of teaching and learning in a wired or wireless environment. At the same time, the library, by its architectural expression and siting, must continue to reflect the unique legacy and traditions of the institution of which it is part. It must include flexible spaces that “learn” as well as traditional reading rooms that inspire scholarship. By embracing these distinct functions, the library as a place can enhance the excitement and adventure of the academic experience, foster a sense of community, and advance the institution into the future. The library of the future remains irreplaceable."

Library as Learning Laboratory!  Yesss.