
Monday, April 25, 2011

Book Bind: Public Libraries Feel Strain of Budget Cuts

"Book Bind: Public Libraries Feel Strain of Budget Cuts." McClatchy News / Tony Pugh.
California: McClatchy News Online, April 19th 2011.

"After spurring a surge in public library use nationwide, the tough economy is forcing many branches to cut staff, hours and programming right when many cash-strapped people need them most.
As in previous downturns, Americans turned to their libraries during the Great Recession for free children's programming or to borrow books, movies and music. In 2008, when the economy was in freefall, a record 68 percent of Americans had a library card, and library visits and borrowing spiked as well. ...
Despite their funding peril, public libraries remain one of the most popular government services and historically have fared pretty well at the ballot box. In 2009, voters passed 84 percent of library funding referendums nationwide and 54 percent of library construction measures, according to the Library Journal."